This section includes all recent news & events under participation of IBK-Innovation.


IBK participated to the EASN CONFERENCE, this year organized as a Virtual Conference with participations by remote for the Covid-19 pandemic, from the 2nd to the 4th of September, by presenting the CA3ViAR project and its first results, together with other scientific topics performed in the framework of three different projects, T-WING, POLITE and PRODIGE.

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EULOSAM II - Design of remotely controlled HTP successfully completed

EULOSAM II (European LOw Speed Aircraft Model II) is an European Clean Sky 2 co-funded research project, the follow-up project of EULOSAM, focusing on the design upgrade and manufacturing completion of a half-aircraft WT model for high-Re tests.

Within this project, IBK just completed the design of the cross-shaped tail plane with actuated HTP trimming. Indeed, the design has been accepted by the industrial partner Dassault Aviation (Topic Manager) on 27th of February 2020.

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Time Series Classification via Deep Learning

IBK would like to investigate the potential of deep learning for applications in the flight physics domain. A first study in the field of time series classification has been carried out using the recordings from the Human Activity Recognition (HAR) dataset in a KERAS model. The signals, classes and the result of the LSTM / CNN network are visualized in an interactive dashboard. After a first successful demonstration the prototype shall now be tested on a more complex task, the classification of segments and events based on real flight recordings.

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