TWING-Project introduced in next issue of "Compositi"

TWING project introduced in the next issue of "compositi". Luigi di Palma, coordinator of the Cleansky2 Core-Partner project TWING together with Nicola Paletta (IBK) and Antonio Apicella, Stefano Nobil from Magnaghi Aeronautica SpA have authored an article which in detail introduces the innovative work performed in the project TWING.

The T-WING project is aimed at developing, manufacturing, testing, and qualifying an Innovative Composite Wing for the Technology Demonstrator (TD) of the Next Generation Civil Tilt Rotor (NGCTR), performing at the same time studies on the scalability potential of the proposed solutions for the exploitation of the technologies on the full-scale aircraft.

As integral part of the whole activity, the Consortium will work in close cooperation with LEONARDO Helicopter Division (LHD) in all the assembly and installation phases into the NGCTR prototype as well as during vehicle ground and flight testing.